the Diskmag

Spread the buzz – look for ‘the Diskmag’

by Browallia and Ghandy of Nukleus

Dear sceners, greetings devoters of the Amiga community,
now its official: Nukleus has started a new diskmag, and the name of our new product is….

> the Diskmag <

We have had this idea in our mind for a long-long time, in a galaxy far away…, and in case you read Versus #10, released in December 2024, there is no surprise, that after the anniversary issue, I left Versus mainEd responsibility after two decades. So, welcome to tHE dISKm/\G , hope you enjoy your scroll!

We can not predict the future and how you will like the newest diskmag in town. However, me, Browallia (maineditor of Cows n Snakefights and vS) and Ghandy known for his editorial role in Jurassic Pack feel excited and confident… And seriously, we will NOT compromise with less than our best effort, hence the name choice.

So, again, lets see, how deep this rabbit hole goes… we want you to read, we want your reactions, reflections, apathy, interaction, elitims, newbie-tism, scenerism, AI-perspectivism, activism, Amiga-patriotism, we want your dark-side and your rebel-side.

Before I hand over to Ghandy, need to mention that its not only two grumpy mainEds working with ‘the Diskmag’. For me the contributor is as valueble, not to forget the reader , YOU (the “third leg”). The fourth leg of this rocking chair we are so depending on, is the team members of Nukleus, working with this behind the curtain.

we want you, we want your rabbit, we want your rabbithole. we want ALL

…then we want to boil down the Amiga essence and present it back to YOU

A “few” more words from Ghandy.

I think it’s going to be exciting to present something completely new or at least interesting for the reader to discover. A good diskmag should give you completely new ideas and impulses that you can do something with. Something that motivates you.

A good article should always be like a present, where you look forward to seeing what’s under the wrapping paper as soon as you open it. Ideally, what comes out will meet or even exceed your expectations. That’s what we want to do. Not just to meet your expectations and ours, but to exceed them. Isn’t that too ambitious? Yes, perhaps. But let us just find out together what will happen in the end!

Of course, I would like to remind us all of the good old days. But that’s not enough if you think about the content! The here and now is just as important as the glory Amiga era. Remember, from today’s perspective, the world was still in order back then. But the truth is that our brains whitewash the memory of those times. Just thinking about how angry and disappointed I was at how many mistakes Commodore’s management made back then to finally bankrupt the world’s best computer still makes me sick.

Not to forget we have completely different possibilities today that we didn’t have back then. Let’s work together to find out what great things we can do with it. And let’s keep our fingers crossed that we can satisfy you in the way we dream of. Isn’t that a good plan? I think it is.

Welcome to join us on this journey!

Diskmags aint dead *blink-blink* 😉

Contact Nukleus for more info (<member>{AT]nuklues[DOT}nu)

the Diskmag

A lowcase letter begins the sentence starting with ‘the Diskmag…’.

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Author: diskmag editor

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