Gerp 2025 party report

by Smaugur^Nukleus

GERP 2025, Skovde/Sweden (31/1 to 02/02)

The day before (Friday 31/1-25) I was supposed to take the train to Gerp with saiibot^nls and Guokte^nls I talked to Cefa68000^nls on the phone and he said he was already on his way to the party, with the train, he had taken a last minute trip, I said cool man see you at the party!

“We were very pleased with GERP 2025.”
/pumbaa, organizer

Before going to bed I had to drop the Commercial Commodore video Made for Commodore/Comdex Nov 1987 on youtube (hint search on: Only Amiga Makes It Possible) when they sing in the video: Only Amigaaa! makes it possible! Only Amiga, makes it happen! on the Gerp party discord channel, after that I could sleep well!! Saiibot, Guokte and me were going to meet each other in Stockholm Central station. Yes! and off we go, To the paaaartyy!!!!! Amigaaa!!!

Exciting for this year, was the experiment at GERP with the remote voting. Apparently sofa sceners should move their asses and get involved. We had some contact with pumbaa/Traktor And new for this year was that Gerp tried out remote voting. It was a seperate vote-pool but nice to see if results differ from visitors.

“Maybe stream-viewers want to vote too, but it is funny to watch results too because sometimes the experience at the party differ from to watch a stream” /post-party note by pumbaa/Traktor

My Amiga 500 was heavy metal in the morning with the 26 inch monitor it destroyed my bag so, I had to go up in my appartment and fix another so it will hold for the trip. -Oh did a mention the Amiga 500 was HEAVY with the monitor? It was torture for my left arm, I had some muscle Amiga 500 soreness there! But it was my lovely Commodore Amiga 500 so the torture/soreness was worth it! Only Amiga!

And surprise surprise! The train didn’t have any bistro wagon but fortunately, me and saiibot had bought some food before going on the train so we eat that. Fjalldata party was held @ the same time as Gerp the Scenesat party stream from both parties was fun to see on the train heading to Skovde.

When we arrived to Skovde it was sunny and no snow (the last year Gerp 2024, it was snowing like hell at this time of the year) and it was really cold too. Now it feels like Spring! Wunderbar!!

First we checked in @ Skovde hotell, it all went very smooth and the staff @ the Hotel was very welcoming, the hotel was really close to the Cultural building where the Gerp party was held and close to the train station. In the hotell room before going to gEEEEErP! I put on my favorite Jamaica Rom organizer party T-shirt from 2007 and put on my Versus pin Browallia^nls gave me the day before, after that saiibot, Guokte and me headed to GEEERP! AMIGAAAA!!!

On the party we meet up with Cefa68000^nls who had a table in the front of stage for us! Wonderbar!

Left: settled and good mode :). Right: the desirable GERP demo trophy, last year grabbed by the hand of FFP.

I quickly put up my Amiga 500 and started old school style with: Rebels Megademo 2 released @ Kefrens and Dexion Party 1990.

I meet Curt Cool of Depth^nah he told me that his first demoparty was in 1992 (The Party 2) in Denmark
and that there is a small group of sceners who use to meet each other regularly in Denmark among them Blueberry^Loonies, and that there was some of them who made Amiga music every day back at the days.

I meet shoe from Syntax society and a good old member to Nukleus at the party last time we saw each other was at the Reunion Party @ Kvidinge/Sweden (se report in Versus 10), he was talking about the Denise card who is a contribution for the Amiga legacy (visit

The 4ch music compo was far bigger than last year (20 contributions @ Gerp 2025 and only 13 contributions @ Gerp 2024 the increase is approximately 53.85 percent) And that is a wonderful success in my opinion! (The music compo can you read about in my other article enjoy!, Muuuuh! 😉 )

Overview of GERP 2025 main hall.

I was excited when my pixeled Amiga 500 picture was supposed to be released on the screen on the Amiga Graphics compo (“Cow drinking beer”) and to my surprise people seemed to like it! And I feel warm and cousy! and a bit proud actually I mean it was my first pixeled Amiga picture in an Amiga graphics compo ever! But I think Optic’s picture “Marlboro Mygg” was a worthy winner of course!

It was a big surprise too see Rodney^TBL picture “Tribute to Llamasoft” it was a high resolution picture and really well made in my opinion! Especially when it was so long time ago I saw some graphics from him. Last release from him was like last millenium.

When the Amiga 40K intro compo came up saiibot told me he was nervous, I told him don’t be, everyone here has made their Amiga debut on the screen, and nobody takes the first place on the first attempt (not sure about that with first attempt, but thats a good article for future and you may be right 🙂 /brow comment).

The Amiga intro compo was to my surprise not as hardcore as the intro compo was @ Gerp 2024 when Alcatraz came back with the intro “soil” and “Desire fm” by Desire was released among other hardcore 40k Amiga intros like “Point of No Return” by dead hackers society and “BYO40K” by Pacif!c.

Desire released the intro “Under the sycamore trees” that many seem to like, I was not that impressed but saiibot thought it was a worthy winner and he is a good coder in my opinion, Soo I have to agree that Desire made a good intro after all, I think “flexi twister” by Resistance was the coolest intro of the intros that was showed in Gerp 2025.

But I liked “Helge Ingstad” by Offence they made a cool wave like intro with their group name, that looked alive in my opinion. But I really liked “We Needed A Coder 30 Years Ago” by Grotesticle I like the music, The music track have the right kind of old school sound in my opinion and the intro has a nice retro touch with the BBS list, I loved it!.

So I was thinking that maybe we have a chance to win a price this year!, but after the result came up, saiibot and me came last in the intro compo, oh well! The Cow will be back in the future! -Muuuh!

The Amiga demo compo was cool as always! Five finger punch came up with the “Inhuman defender” demo really well made I loved it! also the demo “You probably think this demo is about you” by Tulou was really nice to see, even if they didn’t manage to put a very well-made animation in the demo (it didn’t work well with the code, Todi^Tulou told me) that they had made before the deadline (it was a really cool animation spinning around) if you ask me, and it was really fun to see a Tulou production again @ Gerp 2025 because the last Tulou Demo was released in 2018 so that is 7 years ago.

Corel^FFP^INS made graphics for 2 demos @ Gerp 2025 “Inhuman defender” by Five finger Punch and “Lowres Kids” by Insane well that’s because he is a member in both of the demogroups so you could say he is competing with himself when it comes to graphics in this two demos @ Gerp 2025. I became warm in my heart when i saw that the demo “lowres kids” by Insane (thanks for the greet!).

Then in the night @ around 02:00 finally the price ceremony was held:

Results: DEMO compo:
FFP defended their no1 position since last year with the demo “Inhuman defender” and I think they was the worthy winner so I congratulated Morbid^ffp (Code), Corel^ffp (Graphics) and mACE^ffp (Music) afterwards to the first place!

Results: INTRO compo:
Desire defended their no1 position since last year with the intro “Under the sycamore trees” I personally think that “Flexi twister” by Resistance should have won the no 1 position and voted on them, but well they won fair so I have to congratulate them of course for defending the no 1 position since last year! (“Flexi twister” was by accident put in wrong compo according to Gerp result file /brow comm.).

Results: wild-, graphic- and music compo:
The wild compo was totally dominating by Amiga people. For example rguys from Moods Plataeu with a remote comeback again, this time with Desire grabbing 1:st place.

The winner in the Graphics Compo was “Marlboro Mygg” by Optic a worthy winner if you ask me! I voted for him to win the first place! and Rodney^TBL with his very cool high res picture “Tribute to Llamasoft” gave Rodney a 2nd place, I must say I wanted to vote Rodneys picture to win the first place two, but “There can be only one!” (as in the Highlander films) so in the end I voted for “Marlboro Mygg” and Rodneys picture.

The music compo, a bit more detailed review check my other article with comments to every song.

The day after the price ceremony that was held @ around 02:00 in the night we took a very nice brunch @ the Skovde hotel @ around 09:00 (not much sleep but I had fun! Amigaaa!!) and after that we went home with the train to Stockholm @ around 13:00.

Saiibot and Guokte helped me with carrying the Amiga back home again!

Gerp 2025 summary:
I loved it! but too be fair i liked Gerp 2024 more,
it was better compo contributions @ Gerp 2024 then in Gerp 2025 except music compo.
I liked the way the voting was handled with an email with a token. Instead of a papper code on a note when voting.
It was only one seminar at GERP in total and too early for us on Friday to take part there.
It was a good Amiga feeling (less multi platform feeling than last year?)

So that was awesome! Traktor and Nature made a good jobb here i think!

Home sweet home!
/End of party report!

Nukleus cow parade: Guokte, saiibot, Smaugur, Cefa68000 and Shoe in the Brooklyn Burger restaurant in Skovde where we hanged and eat wonderful yummy burgers! (When I remember the burgers I became hungry, in the time of writing here in Stockholm).

Gerp party, with news before/after:

Party streams:

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Author: Smaugur

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