best musician by voters in Versus #9
Best musician
#, name / group, (year), %, [prev. vote]
01 H0ffman / UNS^TBL (2019) 20.22 [02]
02 Virgill / Haujobb^the Deadliners^Atz (2019) 14.62 [01]
03 Dascon / Desire, The Deadliners^Haujobb (2019) 11.87 [05]
04 Jazzcat / Ghostown (2017) 8.24 [03]
05 Esau / Traktor (2019) 7.47 [04]
06 AceMan / Dreamweb (2019) 6.81 [07]
07 Pink / Abyss (2019) 4.29 new!
08 Wasp / PACiF!C^Powerline (2019) 4.18 new!
09 Chaser / Elude (2017) 4.07 [08]
…….Curt cool / Depth^Nah Kolor (2019) 4.07 new!
11 Skipp / Ptn^Nah-Kolor (2019) 3.19 new!
12 Radix / TBL^LED (199?) 2.97 new!
13 Okeanos / TEK (2019) 2.75+ [06]
…….4-mat / Orb (2017) 2.75 new!
15 Frequent / Ephidrena (2018) 2.53 [14]
[]: previous rank or new! 100.00
(): last Amiga msx, check DB on
+: more voters same points
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