vS#9:charts Best intro

best intro by voters in Versus #9

Best intro

#, name / group, (machine, year), %, [prev. vote]

01 Goon Royale / Spaceballs (AGA,64KB,2019) 22.15 new!
02 Coda / Abyss (OCS/ECS,64KB,2019) 17.29 new!
03 Gift / Potion (AGA,64KB,2000) 9.35 [04]
04 Darkroom / Stellar (OCS/ECS,40KB,1994) 6.91 [09]
05 Higher state of resolution / Dekadence (AGA,64KB,2016) 5.63 [02]
06 Oxyre aka. ‘Ochseier’ / Oxyron^Desire (OCS/ECS,40KB,2018) 5.38 [07]
07 Reborn / Appendix (AGA,64KB,2015) 4.99 [15]
08 Imacennial / Dekadence (OCS/ECS,64KB,2017) 4.61 [05]
09 My Lucky Number / Loonies (OCS/ECS,64KB,2018) 4.23 [03]
10 G-Force / Pygmy Projects (OCS/ECS,40KB,1994) 3.71+ new!
…….The Castle / Loonies (AGA,64KB,2002) 3.71 new!
12 Planet Potion / Potion (PPC/RTG,64KB,2002) 3.59 [10]
13 Thrice / Dekadence (AGA,64KB,2013) 3.20 [12]
14 Eighteen / Dekadence (OCS/ECS,64KB,2015) 2.69 new!
15 Everyway / Hoffman^Blueberry (OCS/ECS,64KB,2016) 2.56 [01]

[]: previous rank or new! 100.00
+: more voters same points

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Author: diskmag editor