vS#9:charts best writer

best writer by voters in Versus #9

Best writer and online writer

01 Ghandy (a) 14.00 [05]
02 Menace (a) 11.71 [13]
03 Browallia (a) 10.57 [02]
04 Bobic (a) 9.14 new!
05 Slummy (a) 8.57 new!
06 Curt Cool (a) 7.14 [03]
07 4pLaY (a) 5.71 [01]
08 Dark hawk 4.86+ new!
……Kempy 4.86 new!
10 Fishwave 4.57 [04]
11 Lord Helmet 4.29 [06]
12 Magic (a) 4.00 new!
13 RokDaZone 3.71 [08]
14 puni (a) 3.71 new!
15 emoon (a) 3.14 new!

[]: previous rank or new! 100.00
a: active artist (see DB on nukleus.nu)
+: more voters same points

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Author: diskmag editor