vS#9:sail into third decade

Sail into third decade of Versus by Browallia/Nukleus

We are leaving the shore behind, and the gates open for another decade. We are not depleted by articles. And in moment of writing this, I just had to skip some articles I kind of had tinted already with the feather pen so we could pack this together instead.

On our Amiga ship, with sun, wind and brackish water polishing the horizon of destination. There is no smart phone on that ship. In fact we dont need a phone, we do not wait for that call. that call of hope. that call the ship to port. We are independent of that. Amiga is a phenomena and not a machine. Its a cultural experience and not a hardware. Its a life long relation thats tremble inside, just to remind us, thats she is still there.

Sail sail, sail away.

Into the new decade, I cannot fiddle with my mind to stop thinking of some of the great productions beeing released in 2019. Will EON stay for many years now on the top is one question? Will it join the golden table where Hardwired, Arte, Desert Dreams, Nexus7 already are seated?. Its kind of big gap in time between 1994 and 2019, so did I miss something in between. Possibly I could squeeze in Starstruck from 2006 around the shiny table in Godish Valhalla, but TBL kind of removed their own chair from this released blast. Or at leased kept the chair warm until Eon replaced it.

I say like Keanu Reaves before he fly out of the picture in first movie.

  • I don’t know whats going to happen

In the end, was the demo as revolutionary as the Matrix movie? Was it based on expierence and the foggy dream that night when 13 demos were presented (I was not there, but it sounds more dramatic). OR what makes a good demo good today anyhow other than the experience and all old school effects are already played out?

  • You hear that Mr. Anderson?… That is the sound of inevitability… It is the sound of your trackloaded disc… Goodbye, Mr. Anderson…
  • My name is Eon.

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Author: diskmag editor